The City of Brownwood recently recognized five employees with the ISERVE Award for exhibiting the City of Brownwood’s core values at the highest level. The ISERVE award is the highest level of recognition and can be consider employees of the year. This prestigious award recognizes employees who have made significant contributions to our organization by modeling integrity, service, excellence, respect, vision, and empathy throughout their daily actions, and going above and beyond their normal job expectations on a regular basis.
This prestigious award is to recognize employees who model integrity, service, excellence, respect, vision, and empathy throughout their daily actions.
Jose Gonzalez, Jr.
Gonzalez started working for the City of Brownwood in 2015. He was nominated for this award based on his expression of the Core Value of excellence.
This award winner works in the Planning and Development department and began as a part time employee. He now has completed multiple certification courses and leads a team of people. Our winner is detail oriented, highly organized, and exceptionally patient. He is known for being calm in difficult situations and has strong problem-solving skills – even with the most challenging residents. He has been known to invite residents into his office who are angry, but they leave satisfied, having been treated with respect and dignity.
A co-worker said, “His calm demeanor makes this work look effortless, when it’s obvious that his work is very challenging. He is a great leader and role model.”
Kris Salazar
Salazar started working for the City of Brownwood in 2015 at the Brownwood Police Department. He was nominated for this award based specifically on the Core Values of service and respect.
Salazar holds an advanced peace officer certification, is a Field Training Officer, and a member of the Brownwood/Brown County SWAT Team. He was promoted to Patrol Corporal in the department in September of 2021. He engages the community through the Citizens Police Academy with DWI education. He is known for going out of his way to have positive interactions with the community including stopping by kid’s lemonade stands while on duty and working at school and church events on his own time.
Salazar is also mindful of the dangers drunk driving has to public safety, and he has led the department in DWI arrests for the last 2 years.
His co-workers said, “If he is tasked with an assignment, I know that he will put full effort into getting the job done. He is a great example and role model of what it is to be a Brownwood Police Officer.”
His supervisor said, “He is a team player. He speaks with those around him with respect and humility, and has a desire to grow a better department, which only enhances our community’s safety.”
Michelle Ezra
Ezra started working for the City of Brownwood in 2016 at the Lehnis Railroad Museum and has been a Sanitation Communications Operator for Public Works since July of 2022. She was nominated for this award based on her outstanding example of the Core Values of empathy and excellence.
Ezra manages a large volume of calls from the public requesting city services related to public works – which requires generating a work order and follow-up. She is often the first voice a citizen will hear when they call, and she is known for being kind, cheerful, and helpful. Her problem-solving skills and helpful nature often turn an unhappy caller into a new fan of the City. She has updated office operations in her department to streamline tasks and efficiency.
A City employee from a different department said, “This is the person I think of when I think of our Core Values. She goes above and beyond to make sure every caller feels valued.”
Her supervisor said, “She deals with a lot of different personalities on the phone and in the different departments. I have heard citizens call angry and upset, and she has shown empathy and settled the situations down in a professional manner. She is kind and cheerful.”
Lisa Collins
Collins began her career with the City in 2015 and works in the Parks & Rec and Community Facilities Departments. She was nominated for this award specifically based on the Core Value of empathy and excellence.
This award winner has previously worked in the HR and Public Works departments and is now the Parks & Facilities Admin Assistant II, where she has taken the lead on reorganizing administrative processes and procedures to maximize efficiency in the departments.
She has a reputation as being a helper and has been an important part of the planning committee for the City’s ISERVE Conference and has been the head elf for City floats in the Christmas parade. She received multiple nominations for this award and was described by her peers as “encouraging, kind and always going above and beyond.”
Her department head said, “She brings a spirit of excellence to her position and our department that is evident in her daily work. She has received multiple compliments from several other departments who have noted improved efficiency when working with her.”
Ramon Orquiz
Orquiz began working for the City of Brownwood in 2020 in the utilities department. He was nominated for this award based on how well he models the Core Values of integrity and service.
Orquiz currently serves as Utility Operator II and has a Class C water license and a Class I wastewater collection license.
He is described as someone who always offers a helping hand in his and other departments. It is common to see him helping train new employees, back up his co-workers, and small things like offer his hand to help others out of a ditch. His actions have given him a reputation of being someone you can always count on. He has also helped complete several major utility projects over the last year in a variety of roles.
A co-worker said, “He always provides quality work every day and helps others without hesitation. His positive attitude makes a positive impact on the department.”
His supervisor said, “He models the core values. He always goes above and beyond his usual assignment and you can count on him for anything.”